Tired of Standing Alone?

Welcome to Local 814

Building Unity for a Stronger Future!

We are excited to extend a warm welcome to you as a prospective member of Local 814, a community that values and champions the rights and well-being of its members. As a union dedicated to empowering workers, we believe that every individual deserves fair treatment, respectful working conditions, and the opportunity to prosper in their chosen profession.

Who We Are: Local 814 is a dynamic and inclusive union committed to representing the interests of our members.  With a rich history of advocating for workers' rights, we have successfully negotiated fair contracts, secured better wages, and improved working conditions for countless individuals.

Why Join Local 814:

1. Collective Bargaining Power: Together, we amplify our voices to negotiate fair and competitive wages, benefits, and working conditions with employers.

2. Job Security: We work tirelessly to protect your job security, providing a safety net during challenging times.

3. Educational Resources: Local 814 offers educational opportunities, workshops, and resources to help you stay informed about your rights and opportunities for professional development.

4. Solidarity and Support: Joining Local 814 means becoming part of a supportive community that understands the challenges you face and is ready to stand with you.

5. Legislative Advocacy: We advocate for labor-friendly policies and legislation that benefit our members and the broader community.

How to Join: Becoming a member of Local 814 is a straightforward and empowering process. Contact our membership coordinator at local814mgr@gmail.com or visit our website at:   Union Card - LiUNA Local 814 for more information on how to join and start enjoying the benefits of union membership.

Your Rights Matter: At Local 814, we believe in the power of collective action. By joining our union, you contribute to the strength and resilience of the workforce while securing a brighter future for yourself and your colleagues.


Thank you for considering Local 814.

We look forward to the opportunity to stand together and build a more equitable and empowered workplace.

In solidarity,

Kristi Snider

Business Manager